Closed monday - Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 08.30 to effemeredi

San Daniele del Friuli

The town of San Daniele del Friuli lies Northwest of Udine on a moraine hill about 10 km from the AVRO - Rivoli Osoppo Airfield.

The main square is a small parlour ensconced between the town hall, where there is the Guarneriana Library (the oldest library in Friuli with texts from 1200 AD), the Cathedral with works by Tiepolo, the eighteenth-century palace of Monte di Pietà and the Sant’Antonio Abate church, which contains the most beautiful cycle of Renaissance frescoes in Friuli Venezia Giulia. A walk along the paths in the Castle’s park lets you appreciate a wonderful panoramic view. San Daniele is known for the renowned raw ham that is produced there and made unique by the particular microclimate, where the sea air meets that of the mountain, by passing along the river Tagliamento. At the end of June, the annual “Aria di Festa” event is dedicated to raw ham, a lure for many Italian and foreign visitors.




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